Under Community Review

This is a reasonable request, as would provide further granularity of logging for each connector, rather than having to manage via a single hogback-test.xml file. We will review in an upcoming release.

enable configuring logging via Add-on extension

At the moment, it is not possible to configure Add-on logging. If I want to log something from the extension, I must manually configure logback.xml for these classes (namespaces/packages), for example in the deployer storage extension addon.

My idea is to enable,e for example logging configurations (either via .json configuration) in the addon itself, or to be able to create CDMergeableConfigurationExtension to merge my custom logback.xml configuration with the default one.

For example something like this:

Screenshot of a JSON configuration file for Tridion Sites Ideas with highlighted sections showing 'CDMergeableConfigurationExtension' and file names 'logback.xml' and 'logback_si4t.xml'.

  • I like the idea - though in the example of a deployer extenstion you could include a logback-test.xml in your addon and this would supersede any logback.xml configured for the deployer. You culd then include whatever additonal logging you wanted in the logback-test.xml.

  • I like the idea - though in the example of a deployer extenstion you could include a logback-test.xml in your addon and this would supersede any logback.xml configured for the deployer. You culd then include whatever additonal logging you wanted in the logback-test.xml.
