Under Community Review

The user interface has offered keyboard support but recent releases indeed make it difficult to see which element has the keyboard focus.

As we consider making this clearer in future UIs, we would like feedback on how users interact with the commands for a Component, for example.

Do you or your editors use the keyboard shortcut to jump to the Ribbon Toolbar? Or do they, would they expect to, navigate using tab and shift tab?

Focus highlighting for input fields

It's common practice for input fields (text inputs, dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons etc) to have a highlighted state to show when they are in focus. This makes it easy to navigate the UI with just the keyboard, without needing to use a mouse. The current Tridion UI does not have this feature. 

  • I wasn't aware that there's a keyboard shortcut for the ribbon toolbar! I'll have to look into that.

    This request is driven by my own experience as an editor, rather than feedback from anyone else. I would expect to use tab and shift-tab to navigate around the whole GUI.