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Indeed as mentioned in one of the comments it is possible to set different default publishing priorities per publishing purpose in Business Process Type dialog

However it is not possible to set different priorities per publishing purpose to override these priorities during publishing for more than one target simultaneously so currently, you need to do this target by target that requires more clicks 

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I want to be able to publish an item to both queues (pre-live and live) at the same time with different priorities (low, normal or high)

Problem statement:

I want to be able to publish from the queues (pre-live and production) with different priorities at the same time from the default tab (publish setting)

Team and I publish alot with different priorities for the different queues we have. 

2 queues:

  • pre-live
  • production or live

3 priorities:

  • low
  • normal
  • high

Currently we have pre-live and live queues. It would be more efficient to have the priorates setting in the default tab to avoid the extra clicks and the extra step of doing the same step separately multiple times. Also, it is prone to forgetting to either publish pre-live or live with changing the priorities. 

Idea details & benefits:

Idea: Ideally I want to publish pre-live and live queues in different priorities to be more efficient in publishing. My team and I share the same publishing queue with others in IT as well.


  1. it saves time, 
  2. saves alot of clicks
  3. less human error in forgetting to change priorities for the queues
  4. less human error in forgetting to publish either pre-live or live
  5. publishing queue is efficiently used by whole team as its shared
  6. in general efficient and effective work

By changing the location of Override Publish/Unpublish Priorities to move from Advance tab to Publish settings tab maybe?

Context for the above -

Tridion Sites Publish popup window with Advanced tab open showing options for Override PublishUnpublish Priorities with 'Priority: normal' selected. Pre-live and Production queues are checked.

Tridion Sites Publish popup window with Publish Settings tab open showing an empty field with a yellow warning box indicating a missing or incorrect setting.

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