Idea Delivered Partially

As part of a similar idea, see

We moved start/finish workflow buttons under "Activity" details section and above "Related items" section

This should give a possibility for Editors not to be blocked by new notifications that might appear

It is also possible to turn off workflow related notifications per Content Manager instance, however not a specific user group

Although it will hide also "Things To Do" panel in the top right corner in user callout 

See documentation: 

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Mute workflow notifications

Workflow notifications from message center in top right corner of SDL Web UI are causing user experience issues.
Popup notifications from workflows processes keep appearing for designated group, if that is a large group these notifications annoy everyone
in that group.

Identified in below cases:
The placement of the notification is constantly blocking the Publish buttons in CMS UI when we shrink browser width in some cases.

These notifications are blocking buttons in Workflow activities window as well. You can see how notification highlighted in red blocking activity buttons.


Workflow Activities window in Tridion Sites with a red highlighted popup notification blocking the activity buttons.


Workflow Activities window in Tridion Sites with a popup notification blocking the activity buttons, highlighted in red.

Is there any possibility to introduce ability to turn off or mute notifications from workflows in user preferences?
Can this be considered as enhancement request to suppress workflow notification with a bool from message center configuration?

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