Accepted, Not Yet Planned

Update: Though this is a great idea, this specific request is currently not planned based on our program planning and prioritization of all Tridion Sites ideas for early 2018. We may revisit this and other great ideas based on more information and additional votes.

Nice to have Users details and activities - as export part of our CMS product feature for auditing purpose

Nice to have Users details and activities to be exported for auditing purpose part of our CMS product most of the clients looking for this feature for their security auditing purpose.

I know we can also achieve this by writing event system extension to capture/store export using core services.

  • If I understand correctly, you are looking for OOTB audit trail functionality in the product.  Can you be more specific in the granularity that is expected? We could just simply log all activities from all users on all objects in the system, but that quickly results in a lot of auditing data (and will also have impact on the performance of the system).

    The current versioning and workflow functionality of the system already provides some auditing data. There are some events which are not covered by those mechanism, though.  For example:

    • Item deletion  (incl. "Who deleted this Publish Transaction to cover up his/her publishing mistake" :-))
    • Item unlocalization

    Can you provide more examples of actions that require an audit trail?

    Should the audit trail contain information about what was changed for item change events?

    What do you think the granularity should be for enabling/disabling audit trailing?  

    • Specific actions?  
    • On specific item types?
    • In specific locations?
  • yep.  May be excel or csv format somethink generic to have it to use to accessible for system administrator previledge user only.

  • Velu, when you say "and activities", what do you mean; do you mean permissions etc.

    What would your expectation be in terms of an 'export'? If the export in JSON/XML then I guess we still have to write something to translate that into a human readable form on a per-client basis - in which case perhaps it's just as efficient to re-purpose the existing extensions out there?