Under Community Review

This is under community review to solicit more feedback on names and copy and paste behavior.

We're looking for thoughts on the following:

  • Edit before saving? Would the ability to see and perhaps edit the name before the items is saved help in this interaction?
  • No prompt at all? Would it be acceptable if there was no prompt? Where by the system would always paste items and add a unique string ("copy of").

Finally, we would appreciate examples of when you or others might copy and paste items in the CMS. We have a few use cases in mind, but it's even better to get actual examples of the names. For example:

  • From which folders do you typically copy items?
  • What kinds of items do you copy and paste? Example Schemas can help.

Paste with Unique Name Dialog - Remember My Answer

Today when you copy a component and paste it in the same folder, you are prompted with a dialog asking if you want to paste the item with a unique name. It would be nice to have a checkbox that allows you to bypass this dialog in the future and remember your answer so that every time I copy/paste a component I don't get this same prompt, it will just paste it with a unique name automatically.

Current State:

Dialog box warning that the location already contains an item with the same name, prompting for a unique name with Paste and Cancel options.


Dialog box with a checkbox option to 'Remember my answer' for pasting items with a unique name, alongside Paste and Cancel buttons.

  • I'd go with just making it the default. You can always recover from the situation where you wanted something else by opening the item and editing its title. That's what you do now anyway. Cancelling the paste is almost never what you want. You could make it a user preference, which is what "Remember my answer" would have to be anyway, as you'd need to be able to undo that choice too. There's almost no profit in making it a user pref though.

  • I'd go with just making it the default. You can always recover from the situation where you wanted something else by opening the item and editing its title. That's what you do now anyway. Cancelling the paste is almost never what you want. You could make it a user preference, which is what "Remember my answer" would have to be anyway, as you'd need to be able to undo that choice too. There's almost no profit in making it a user pref though.

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