Under Community Review

This information is not available in Content Manager Core yet

Would be interesting to collect some more votes

And indeed this information might be used much broader than lists in CME or Experience Space

It can be used for Smart publishing:

- publish only not published versions

- propose publishing when new versions are created or at specified timeframes like the end of the week or campaign 

Show which version of an item is published

In Content Manager, a versioned item (page, component, etc.) is marked as published (to a specific target), but the information on the specific version (of the item) published is not available/displayed.

It would be good users can see which version of the item was published.

Screenshot of Tridion Sites Ideas Content Manager showing a published item with missing version information. A suggestion is made for an additional column to display the item version.

  • This information is not available in Content Manager Core yet

    Would be interesting to collect some more votes

    And indeed this information might be used much broader than lists in CME or Experience Space

    It can be used for Smart publishing:

    - publish only not published versions

    - propose publishing when new versions are created or at specified timeframes like the end of the week or campaign 

  • The version info and publish status is helpful in a similar way to translation status.

    Knowing if an item has been updated since it was last published would let the editors know about "stale" content. :-) And ideally, this info would be available in the main lists as well!

  • Nice suggestion! This sounds like something we should look into post 9.6, perhaps also including a visualization to indicate items that have been modified since they were last published.