Planned for Future Release

We will consider this in future development of SDL Tridion Sites Translation Manager.

Translation Manager - Allow aggregation across schemas

Currently, when using aggregation for multiple schemas, the aggregation is split across schemas. this means only components of one schema are combined into one aggregated file.

a job with components based on X schemas will still result in X files.

Ideally it should be possible to configure, globally or at the schema level if components of multiple schemas can be aggregated into one file, of course still taking the maximum values into account.

That will allow one job with components of different aggregatable schemas to be combined into one file.

if the definition is set at the schema level, this will allow exceptions for schemas that should never be combined with others.

  • This is a key element of the current Optimisation Program we are running for a strategic customer. We are receiving a lot of negative customer feedback on process and the "number of clicks" during customer review . The ability to aggregate the files further based on combining multiple schemas will definitely be a quick win and improve the process for both the customer and the SDL translators working on this content.

  • This is a key element of the current Optimisation Program we are running for a strategic customer. We are receiving a lot of negative customer feedback on process and the "number of clicks" during customer review . The ability to aggregate the files further based on combining multiple schemas will definitely be a quick win and improve the process for both the customer and the SDL translators working on this content.

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