We're testing out the new Access management features in Tridion Sites 9.5 in our environment, especially a service account for the Add-ons service. We’re securing the Add-ons service with a service account in Access management and configure the content delivery services to use the service account to access the Add-ons service. This works without any problem, and the content delivery services are updated with whatever addons is available. But if the Add-ons service isn't available, either by client secret expiration, or other unforeseen issue, the content delivery services don't start, making the Add-ons service a single point of failure. We don't want that, so if the content delivery services could start with whatever addons they currently have, would be great. If that’s too much to ask, then having eternal credentials, or a way of updating/retrieving those credentials programmatically would be the next best thing.
Nordea Team
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