Accepted, Not Yet Planned

Update: While awaiting additional community feedback, this specific request is currently not planned based on our program planning and prioritization of all Tridion Sites ideas for early 2018. We may revisit this and other great ideas based on more information and additional votes.

Would like to know if we can add a section like operating records in CM or an output report/log

Chinese customers always have group of people from different departments to review/monitor their jobs history. 

They would like to be able to manage histories of their content management jobs/translation jobs/publishing jobs etc. So that customers will easily to improve their work process/permission management/user knowledge with finding anything unreasonable in amount of end users, if we have such records/report/log.

That why I am thinking of if we can add a section like operating records in CM or an output report/log. It might help to bring more sales opportunity and better customer experience.


  • Frankly, it is not clear to me what kind or reports/logs you are looking for, exactly.

    One of your examples (BTW: I think it is better to expand the Idea description instead of elaborating in a comment) suggests an overview of logged warnings/errors, possibly across DTAP systems.

    But the Idea seems to be broader than that; it even seems to relate to another Idea to provide an audit trail of user activity.

    Can you provide more examples of things you would like to see in reports/logs?

  • SDL Web does have a few ways to presenting Content Manager activity including the Publishing Queue, Translation Manager jobs, and Workflow Activities sections in addition to logs, Windows events, and (ETW) tracing if turned on. We also have the read/write Core Service API and the event system to help developers gather more details not visible from the above options.

    See examples of what others have done:

    I think it'll help to hear more scenarios as I'm not sure just presenting user actions without context would really help as they'd be about as detailed and descriptive as the existing error logs. There's also a difference between user actions to the Content Manager and what these mean to the business (e.g. saving a component versus saving a component with the right schema in the "correct" place in the BluePrint, which will be customer-specific).

  • This specific question was also pointed out in pre-sales meeting with IT department about basic customer faced functionality.

    Indeed most organizations manage multiple distinct Content Manager environments, typically described jointly as DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance, Production) in Topology manager. But people from different departments with different levels of Tridion knowledge are working together. Customers need to very easily find out who did what kinds of actions/faults (maybe not a system error) in what time with reasons, so it can be improved next time from process or education.

    Other example is Translation manager: If users send translation job without checking blueprint/source target setups, Tridion replies retrieving or sending errors. With finding these records customer will be able to write/modify simple working process to users or their own knowledge documents to avoid issues. (Also for new hires/team for a quick start)

  • A Dashboard is indeed missing within the SDL Web suite.