Make the relations between objects more visual as a kind of report. Relationships between topics (conref, references, etc.) and maybe other publications can be found this way. Through visualization, more insight can be gained into a publication.
A user asks me the question: How can I use the report mechanism to make my publication warning and error free. Indeed, I can imagine it, I have no idea how to help the user. As an example, a short excerpt from the 5100 notifications:
How can a user…
It is difficult to tell from a report which links cannot be resolved.
The report gives too little information. It even seems, that object elements, by definition, cannot be found. Current: Example of improvement:
It is currently hard to trace what translation project an object is part of using the Tridion web client.
It would be perfect if this information could be included as a column when generating a Workflow Report on a publication language output…