We understand that the highlighting color of text enclosed in the rev attribute can be changed so that a color other than gray is used, but that only one color can be used regardless of the rev attribute value. Our end users would like to have the highlighting…
In Draft Space, text enclosed in the rev attribute appears in gray highlighting; however, no highlighting appears in Review Space. Our end users would like the highlighting to also appear in Review Space.
DITA reuse concepts depends on keydef and keyref. Currently Tridion docs doesn't resolve keyref (Key reference) in Collective spaces, web repository, client tools (XML editor, Publication Manager).
In Tridion Docs 14 SP2, even keydef and keyref are…
Review space doesn't showcase XML elements or attributes, instead only content. XML elements & attributes should be showcased with reviewers to allow them reviewing the DITA tags.
In case of <hazardstatement type="danger"/> element, in review space…