There are a number of ways to navigate to the SDL Idea section of your preferred product/solution. Follow the next steps to see how you can get to SDL Ideas.
1. In the top navigation, we've added a section called: Ideas, if you hover over the text you will the next screen:
On this screen you will be able to choose one of the Ideation groups related to your product/solution.
2. If you again go to the top navigation and go into Solutions you will have the option to hover over "Ideas" just like the screen below:
This is the same menu as you saw in step one, you can easily find the preferred ideation group.
3. You can also go to one of your groups under "My Groups".
For instance go to Translation Productivity. When you're in that group, scroll down to Translation Productivity subgroups:
The highlighted group is Translation Productivity Ideas, click on the group and you will land in TP Ideas: