Allowing webservices to run XPP tools when using XPP special security groups


we've installed XPP 9.4 with webservices on Win 2016 Standard and are using the Special Windows Groups and XPP Permissions (xyadmin, xystyle, xyjstyle, xyperuse) to tighten security.

We are now finding that Webservices can't run the XPP tools within xz\bin and are receiving a "You cannot perform this activity" error.

Message: java.rmi.RemoteException: java.rmi.RemoteException: You cannot perform this activity
: command=D:\XPP\xz\bin\sdedit hj bills -ain hj_bills.xml -cd D:\XPP\std_jobz\alljobz/CLS_Templates/GRP_Jobs/JOB_GPO_CSR_Dev_Bill

The Apache docs say that the services are registered to run as the LocalSystem account which can't be Looked up or added to sec groups. They go on to suggest creating a separate account for running Apache, grant it the privileges of Log on as a service and Act as part of the operating system and then we can add this account to the xyadmin group.

Is this what you have done or are there other workarounds?
