About this group

Welcome to the XPP Community!

Here, your curiosity meets collaboration. This is a place you can ask questions about XPP and engage with other users and RWS staff to start a discussion and find solutions.

  • Ideas: Fuel innovation by sharing your feature ideas and voting on others’.
    Engage directly with the XPP Product team and stay updated on Idea dispositions.
  • Developers: Dive into the XPP Forum—where questions spark discussions among peers and RWS experts.
  • Blogs: Stay in the know with product announcements, insider tips, and exciting news.
  • Events: Mark your calendar for upcoming happenings and product releases.
  • Release Info: Navigate product lifecycles and support policies for XPP and all RWS offerings.
  • Docs: Unlock knowledge with links to comprehensive product documentation

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Blog posts
By date
  • XyUser 2016 Fall Conference announcement

    The XyUser Group Board are delighted to announce that the 2016 Fall Conference dates and…

  • Shift + F10

    What could there possibly be to say about using Shift + F10 in XPP?

    Not much, unless it…

  • ArialUnicode and XPP

    ArialUnicodeMS is sort of the mother lode of fonts. It's a font intended to support the…

  • XPP 9.1 !

    XPP 9.1 has been released. It's crazy how much stuff is packed into this one.


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