How can we add the box around the main block depending on the text on particular page?

I need to add box around the main block dynamically depending on the text on a particular page.

Somehow I am able to generate the box on the last page dynamically based on the last element of the document but for the regular pages, I am not getting the end point to draw the box.

Can anyone help me to draw the box depending on the depth of the text block on the regular/normal pages.



Parents Reply
  • Yes Mark is correct. You will need frills processing. But I would like to add to Mark's answer that you there is no need to flag the first and last line with the fg macro. In frills processing you can simply open up the first line in the first block and the last line in the last block of a page and read out the necessary information (yes with !variables) to draw your box

    you might also have a look at the support XPP gives you for the border CSS property. This allows you to draw a split box over all pages by a simple CSS rule (e.g.  border: medium solid red;). But you need to set up your styles in CSS (and not IF).
