XPP REST Client Query Para

What should a query string format be to execute a POST against XPP Server via XPP Rest API client? The help does not make much sense. When executed, it is asking for a Process ID number 

Run XPP commands on a Division or Job.

NOTE: The 'command' parameter is the program to run and must be located in the 'xz/bin' directory. For example, divtrace, divflags, show_xref, see Command Line Utilities

The caller is responsible for all options.




Field Type Description
command String

The name of the XPP commmand (in xz/bin) to run

optionsoptional String

Additional 'command' options

ecodeoptional String

error code for exit criteria 1 => OK if 0 >= exitcode < 128 (default=0)

path String

The "logical" 4/5-part path to a Division or Job in the form "handle:class:group:job:div"

nowaitoptional String

If "nowait=true", the command will return immediately with the id, code, and time the command started (default="false"). The user can check for command completion, by using the 'xpp/docs/processes/id' endpoint; where 'id' is the id used to get the status of the running program (default="false"). See Command Status for the command to determine the status of a 'nowait' program.

Allowed values: "true", "false"

  • Hey Matt,

    Not entirely sure what you are after...

    The Division and Job Processing - Command is a GET and not a POST call.

    So something like GET ..../xpp/docs/first:xyvision:comp:blkmerge:1-blkmerge/print?options=-df%20.%20-nhdr%20-div%201-blkmerge should print the 1-blkmerge division.
    And you can use any xpp command from the xz/bin folder.
    Hence that the next command given in the doc 'compose' actually uses the same syntax
    GET  ..../xpp/docs/first:xyvision:comp:blkmerge:1-blkmerge/compose will compose that division

    Depending if you launch the 'command' with the 'nowait=true' option or not, the command will run in the background or not.
    If run in the background you will get back a processid, which you can then use to check the status of the command.
    See the Document Management - Waiting command status documentation on how to do that.

    What might help you further if the doc is not helpful, is to have a look at the tests that RWS is using to verify the correct working of the XPP REST installation. You can find them in the 't' folder inside the xz/xpprest folder.

  • Hi Bart,

    I mean a POST command. Here’s another example of calling the XPP sdedit command through the REST API. This command based on the documentation it should import a job ticket in XML into the job specified by the path parameter. Whether the code is ran in C# or a REST cient tool, it does not result in any errors, however, the sdedit command does not run and the job ticket is not created. Instead, the API returns the contents of the root directory specified bt the path parameter, which in this case, is actually an empty string.


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