When we use a custom dictionary in Translation Weaver, the translation provided requires several changes (post-treatment). I would like to know if there is a way to configure the system to ensure the translation provided is more accurate. We had previously uploaded our dictionary (French to Italian). I made sure that I selected the dictionary in the tab Translation and Insights. We translated an Excel file in Language Weaver (from French to Italian). I had the same result when I tried translating the text by copying it into the Text field.
When using custom dictionaries in Translation Weaver, is there a way to configure the system to:
- Prevent the addition of extra spaces before the inserted term.
- Ensure that the system uses the correct articles and adjective endings once the term from the dictionary is inserted.
Let me explain with some examples:
Here is one term found in the dictionary:
French |
Italian |
Date de depart |
Data della cessazione |
We had the following segments to translate:
French |
Italian (V1 without the dictionary) |
Italian (V2 with the dictionary) |
1. Date de départ obligatoire pour le statut de disponibilité |
Data di partenza obbligatoria per lo stato di disponibilità |
Data della cessazione obbligatorio per lo stato di disponibilità |
2. La date de départ a été ajustée. |
La data di partenza è stata modificata. |
Il Data della cessazione è stato regolato. |
When Translation Weaver translates these segments, we see the following:
- In segment 2, extra space is added before “Data della cessazione”.
- The case specified in the dictionary is used for both segments. For segment 1, this is OK. However, for segment 2, we have an upper case in the middle of the sentence, and we would like to have a lower case to the term “data della cessazione”. I have tried adding two entries in the dictionary - Date de depart (upper case) et date de depart (lower case), but I get the following error message: “Term already exists”.
- The term is inserted, but the article, past participle, and adjective endings are incorrect.
- For segment 1, the adjective ending should be “obbligatoria”.
- For segment 2, we had the article “Il”, but it should be “La”.
- For segment 2, the past participle is incorrect.
Any help would be appreciated. If you need additional information, please let me know.
Sonia Guimond