Language Weaver - Language Pairs Versions - March 2022 Update

Hi all,

Below are the new language pairs versions released in March 2022.

We are happy to announce that we are supporting two new languages, Icelandic and Macedonian. If you're interested in using these, please reach out to your Account Manager. 

Please also note that some language pairs will only work with a specific minimum version of Language Weaver Edge. Make sure that you have the appropriate version of Edge before installing the latest version of these language pairs. To this end, we added a new column where we'll add the minimum Edge version required, when applicable. If there is no version mentioned in the table below, the LP will work with any 8.5.x version of Edge. 

Source Target Language Code Latest Version Latest Minor Version Minimum Edge Version Required
Icelandic English IceEng 8.5 8.5.0
English Macedonian EngMac 8.5 8.5.0
English Icelandic EngIce 8.5 8.5.0
Danish English DanEng 8.5 8.5.1 Edge 8.5.6
Macedonian English MacEng 8.5 8.5.0
Arabic English AraEng 8.5 8.5.2
English Japanese EngJpn 8.5 8.5.5 Edge 8.5.6
English Rumanian EngRum 8.5 8.5.3
English Traditional Chinese EngCht 8.5 8.5.1 Edge 8.5.6
English Turkish EngTur 8.5 8.5.2
English Polish EngPol 8.5 8.5.3
English Hungarian EngHun 8.5 8.5.2
English English EngDan 8.5 8.5.1
Russian German RusGer 8.5 8.5.1
English Simplified Chinese EngChi 8.5 8.5.9 Edge 8.5.6
Spanish English SpaEng 8.5 8.5.4

The full list of Language Pairs supported by Language Weaver Edge can now be found in this post.