Language Weaver Edge has been released

Language Weaver Edge has been released

Hi all,

I'm happy to announce that Language Weaver Edge has been released and is now available from our download servers.

This version is a Hot Fix Accumulator (HFA) release and is introducing multiple hotfixes on top of Language Weaver Edge 8.6.4.

This HFA is replacing our default Language Weaver Edge 8.6.4 installer, and can be deployed on top of any 8.x previous installation as an upgrade.


  • Fixed application of approved feedback when translating documents
  • Fixed application of approved feedback when dictionaries are applied to the translation
  • Fixed Powerpoint master slide flipping and layout flipping to be restricted, when enabled, to LTR and RTL languages
  • Fixed characters spacing issue on Powerpoint translations for Korean→English LP
  • Fixed email translation when original body includes non ascii content
  • Fixed segmentation issue with ASCII comma in Japanese and Chinese
  • Fixed Edge-Cloud process instability on Windows hosts
  • Fixed Armenian support for ABBYY Enhanced PDF conversion
  • Fixed Word translation formatting issue with bolded words for Japanese→English LP

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager or the Language Weaver support team. 

Thank you!