WorldServer fails to save XLS file is error when file name contains brackets in the file name - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation


When saving an Excel .xls file in the Browser Workbench or through a Save or Save target automatic action, the save fails with the below error-

Error while executing automatic action: com.idiominc.wssdk.WSRuntimeException (covers (covers com.idiominc.wssdk.asset.WSAssetSegmentationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ))
Root Cause:
The file path name for the asset in WorldServer contains brackets in the project name.
Rename the source XLS file by removing the brackets. It is also recommended to use the XLSX format instead of the XLS format. Open the XLS file in Excel and save it as XLSX file.
Re-submit the corrected source file to a new project or add it to the existing project following the steps described in this article:

How to add files to a project that is already created / published in Trados Studio or GroupShare

The Task in Autoerror - or the project -  will need to be canceled.

In general: Make sure the source file name do not contain any of the following characters: < > ? [ ] : | or *