Bulk Download All Translations

Hello, I need to perform bulk downloads of translations on Language Weaver Edge 8.5. I will need to do this for ~62k documents in plain TXT format. While RWS does give the option to “select all files”, once I have done so, the download button is greyed out. It says "This action is not available for all selected translations" however I can download them 25 at a time by going page by page and only selecting the 25 from that page for download. It seems to not want to download more than 25 documents at a time which would be quite tedious given the volume of files to be translated. Could anyone help with this?

Before selecting “all files”

 Screenshot of Language Weaver Edge interface showing 25 translations selected with an option to select all 39 translations.

 After selecting “all files”

 Screenshot of Language Weaver Edge interface after selecting all 39 translations, with the download button greyed out indicating the action is not available.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 10:51 AM (GMT 0) on 4 Mar 2024]
  • Hi Aedan.

    The "Download All" feature in the UI is limited to 25 jobs.

    When using the REST API, it is possible to download more jobs (up to 125) in a zip file, with an archive size limit of 1GB, but it will still not help if you have thousands of files to translate.

    We are aware of this need and we are working on a solution to address it which I hope will be available in the next 6 months.

    In the meantime, the best way to handle it would be to create a script that would use the Edge REST API to:

    • Iterate over the files to translate
    • For each file: 
      • submit asynchronous translation jobs
    • Monitor status of the jobs (or use the webhook capability to get a notification when the job is completed)
    • When completed:
      • Download the translation and save it locally

    The Edge REST API documentation can be found by clicking on the Help button in the Edge portal, and then "Rest API Guide". It contains details and examples on how to perform asynchronous translations.

    This can also be achieved with our Java SDK, recently released on the Language Weaver developers portal: https://developers.languageweaver.com/developer-tools/sdk/java/index.html

    The Java SDK includes a method to specifically perform batch file translations, by providing an input folder and an output folder: https://developers.languageweaver.com/developer-tools/sdk/java/edge-requests.html#perform-a-batch-file-translation

    While the Java SDK is easy to use, it is intended to be used by a Java developer in order to build the appropriate solution for your needs.

    Note that we are also planning to release more SDKs, including support for C# (end of Q2) and Javascript (H2) so it will be easier to create applications and connect to Language Weaver resources.

    I'll be happy to provide guidance on the REST API async translation calls, and get feedback on the SDK.

    Thank you

  • Hi Aedan.

    The "Download All" feature in the UI is limited to 25 jobs.

    When using the REST API, it is possible to download more jobs (up to 125) in a zip file, with an archive size limit of 1GB, but it will still not help if you have thousands of files to translate.

    We are aware of this need and we are working on a solution to address it which I hope will be available in the next 6 months.

    In the meantime, the best way to handle it would be to create a script that would use the Edge REST API to:

    • Iterate over the files to translate
    • For each file: 
      • submit asynchronous translation jobs
    • Monitor status of the jobs (or use the webhook capability to get a notification when the job is completed)
    • When completed:
      • Download the translation and save it locally

    The Edge REST API documentation can be found by clicking on the Help button in the Edge portal, and then "Rest API Guide". It contains details and examples on how to perform asynchronous translations.

    This can also be achieved with our Java SDK, recently released on the Language Weaver developers portal: https://developers.languageweaver.com/developer-tools/sdk/java/index.html

    The Java SDK includes a method to specifically perform batch file translations, by providing an input folder and an output folder: https://developers.languageweaver.com/developer-tools/sdk/java/edge-requests.html#perform-a-batch-file-translation

    While the Java SDK is easy to use, it is intended to be used by a Java developer in order to build the appropriate solution for your needs.

    Note that we are also planning to release more SDKs, including support for C# (end of Q2) and Javascript (H2) so it will be easier to create applications and connect to Language Weaver resources.

    I'll be happy to provide guidance on the REST API async translation calls, and get feedback on the SDK.

    Thank you

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