Language Weaver Edge - Using it locally to integrate it with Docker

Hey guys! Hope you're doing well.

Read this today in your docs:

"Language Weaver Edge (formerly known as SDL Machine Translation Edge) 8 features a REST API that exposes the functionality of Edge to any HTTP client. It uses predictable, resource-oriented URLs as well as standard HTTP verbs and response codes. CORS is supported, allowing client-side web applications to make cross-domain AJAX requests to the API. The majority of the endpoints return JSON, while a few return a base64-encoded string or XML.

The REST API is served on the controller host at its own port. To find out the API server host and port, log in to the Language Weaver Edge Web GUI as an admin user and click to [Username] > My Account. For the purposes of this documentation, we will reference an example server running at the host controller-host and port 8001, with HTTPS enabled, so the base URL for the REST API will be:


Throughout the documentation, we will be using curl as our HTTP client to illustrate various interactions with the REST API. Keep in mind that, regardless of HTTP client, it is always a good idea to url-encode data that will be consumed by the API to ensure the integrity of the requests."

My question is simple - is it possible to use the Language Weaver Edge service locally? I mean, something like a `docker` container.

I would like to know this because we're trying to integrate this service with a Golang processing application running on a docker container.

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Ben!

    Yes, Language Weaver Edge is designed to run locally, on-premise - and it supports multiple deployment types:

    • You can deploy the application and the Language Pairs on Windows or Linux operating systems
    • It can be deployed on bare metals servers, Virtual Machines or using containers.

    For Containers, you have 2 options:

    • build your own docker image and run it using docker compose (we have building scripts available)
    • or use our Kubernetes deployment package (with pre-defined images and customizable Helm Charts)

    For the integration part, you can use the RESTful API, which is documented at .

    We also provide additional options such as SDKs (Java, JavaScript, .NET) and embedded API (C++/.NET)

    Feel free to get in touch with our support or speak with one of our account managers to get access to the Language Weaver Edge software and start integrating it.

    And if you have any further question, feel free to use the forum.

    Thank you!
