HTML codes of an .ods file


I have just uploaded an .ods file containing HTML code in Trados. The HTML code is not recognized as tag/placeable. The text has also been pretranslated.

How can I set the HTML codes as tag so that it is better visualized?

Thank you very much for your help!

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  • Hello Lenka,

    Thank you for your reply. I have succeded to solve the issue.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Illaria,

    since the translation is done in Trados Studio, your question would be best posted in the Language Weaver in Trados Studio group monitored by Trados Studio experts, who will be happy to help you. Would you please post the question there? 

    You can access the Language Weaver in Trados Studio group directly using this link RWS Community or you can find it by going to, selecting Language Weaver Solutions (Click "Go to Community"), and then selecting Language Weaver in Trados Studio (under Language Weaver products). 

    I would be happy to move your post there, but I wanted you to have this information for future reference.

    Best regards,
