Trados Business Manager – End of Life Announcement

Trados Business Manager (TBM) has reached end of life. Following the discontinuation of TBM sales on 31 October 2023, all maintenance and support services will conclude on 31 October 2024.
What Does This Mean for TBM Users?

  • End of Services: RWS will no longer provide any services related to the installation or updating of TBM.
  • Existing Installations: TBM will remain functional where already installed, but the RWS support team will not offer assistance in troubleshooting issues, addressing reported problems, or providing further development for TBM.
  • Documentation: The TBM documentation has been removed from
  • Community Support: The community forum for TBM will remain accessible in a read-only format for users to reference if needed.

Invoice Sum Total

Sum Total on Invoice Does Not Correct After Editing Error Message: When an invoice is being created, often we have to add or change some of the jobs on the invoice. However after having edites these jobs, when we return to finalising and savinf it as a PDF, we realise that the total, both with and without tax, has not automatically updated from the original document's total. We are not sure why this is the case, especially since the system successfully calculates the total in the first place before the editing. It is concernçing for us, as it raises the question of how well we can trust the software with the maths required for the invoices.

Any help you could offer to help solve this issue would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
