Culture selection not permanent

Hi, Eugene!

I write here because I am tired of changing the culture every day, because after closing the program it returns to English date format.

Well, my OS is in English. But the program should keep my setting, isn't it? (In my case ES, I also tried some variants like ES, ES-ES, CA-ES...)

This must be a bug. Is there a remedy somehow?

Thank you!


    Good morning and hi again,

    Just for the common interest, here's my feedback.

    Out of desperation I changed my Windows 11 OS language to Catalan and Woop! it works with no further human action nor configuration! This is not ideal, far from ideal in reality, because I like my OS to stay in English (I translate a lot for software companies and it's just better to "immerse" myself in the English software environment a.k.a. culture).

    Now, let me suggest this: if there's a non working Culture option in TBM, because it follows the OS setting, please put a warning on top "Only for occasional use, not permanently saved" (like for when you have to invoice to a customer from whatever other country once a year).


    Good morning and hi again,

    Just for the common interest, here's my feedback.

    Out of desperation I changed my Windows 11 OS language to Catalan and Woop! it works with no further human action nor configuration! This is not ideal, far from ideal in reality, because I like my OS to stay in English (I translate a lot for software companies and it's just better to "immerse" myself in the English software environment a.k.a. culture).

    Now, let me suggest this: if there's a non working Culture option in TBM, because it follows the OS setting, please put a warning on top "Only for occasional use, not permanently saved" (like for when you have to invoice to a customer from whatever other country once a year).
