My computer restarted for an update and for some reason I can't log into Baccs. I have urgent invoices to send. How can I find my ID and reset my password so that I can send everything by EOB?

Hi everyone,

It's all in the title, could anyone please help me figure out how to find my ID and reset my password? the window that pop-ups and asks for my credentials doesn't offer any link to click for help resetting them. It's really urgent, I'd really appreciate any help here... Thank you! 

My computer restarted for an update and for some reason I can't log into Baccs. I have urgent invoices to send. How can I find my ID and reset my password so that I can send everything by EOB?

Parents Reply
  • I just clicked on it? It must have saved it the first time I used it, but never asked me for it since. Is the ID an email address or some name? what on earth could it be...

    I've downloaded everything on this link and tried running both exe files but I'm not sure what to do with them, it doesn't display any information. 4.0 says it can't find anything and 3.5 doesn't seem abnormal but doesn't show any information either... I really need to leave now, is there any detailed help page I could follow when I'm back, or any way I could contact you tomorrow or Monday morning about it?
    Thanks a lot for your help, it's really appreciated!

    Have a lovely evening/weekend

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