Problems with "Invalid Culture Identifier"

Hi Eugene!

Happy new year!

I just discovered that BaccS has become SDL Trados Business Manager.

So, I went ahead and I installed it afresh on top of the original BaccS 5 installation (I was not entirely sure how the licensing worked, so I wanted to prevent hassles)

However, the issue with the invalid culture identifier continues. When I click on Instructions, or I try to change a QuickReport the message appears

Error message in SDL Trados Business Manager stating 'Culture is not supported. Parameter name: culture 3072 (0x0c00) is an invalid culture identifier.'

What is baffling is that the culture that SDLTBM gripes about is not the culture the PC is set to (as you can see in the screenshot below)

Command prompt showing the system culture set to 'en-GB' with LCID 2057, Name 'en-GB', and DisplayName 'English (United Kingdom)'.

I’d appreciate any idea you might have


Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 5:28 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi Eugene!

    So I fired up a VM, and installed a demo of SDLTBM and lo and behold the problem was not there.

    Eventually, I realised that the main, language related, difference between the two was the keyboard layout.

    The main machine has a custom keyboard layout created eons ago with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator.

    When I uninstalled that layout, SDLTBM worked fine.

    I then created and installed a new keyboard layout, which worked fine, so I went to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts to discover which was the faulty layout .dll, and finally I deleted the faulty layout DLL it from C:\Windows\System32

    How that layout got corrupted beats me, but there you go.

    All the best!
