Trados Business Manager – End of Life Announcement

Trados Business Manager (TBM) has reached end of life. Following the discontinuation of TBM sales on 31 October 2023, all maintenance and support services will conclude on 31 October 2024.
What Does This Mean for TBM Users?

  • End of Services: RWS will no longer provide any services related to the installation or updating of TBM.
  • Existing Installations: TBM will remain functional where already installed, but the RWS support team will not offer assistance in troubleshooting issues, addressing reported problems, or providing further development for TBM.
  • Documentation: The TBM documentation has been removed from
  • Community Support: The community forum for TBM will remain accessible in a read-only format for users to reference if needed.

New problems with the Earning Charts in the Home Page

Hello dear friends ...

I do not know why guys, BUT ... my earning chart in the Business Manager stopped to get updated ... I can NOT get crazy checking all the ledger any time ... I only want the charts is updated everytime when I create a payment to close an invoice as PAID ... I really do not know what to look in for then ... I had an invoice with jobs and task there? Good. I did build a payment for it and it is marked as paid ... why my earning chart is staked then? Ahhhhh.

Thank You


  • Hello Pietro,

    What value you have in Settings > Application settings p1 > Earning accounting method? If you have payment-based, then a record is created in the ledger on the date of payment. And for sure it works correctly. Maybe you have a filter on the dashboard chart?

    You noticed this issue only with one payment:? Only after latest update? Or?

  • Eugene ... dear friend! Good morning ...

    SO ... (sorry for late reply) ... I have checked and the Earning accounting method was set to "operation base" (I suspect (REALLY) it has been changed byt one of the last updates, because it was working before).

    Now ... I did change back it to "PAYMENT BASE" (And I have tried the invoice base too) ... BUT of course, now it does NOT see all the invoices I marked as PAID after this setting has been somehow changed! ... How can I fix this?

    For example, I do not have in my ledger this PAID invoice:

    What then?
    This is bad!

    Should I check all the invoices one by one?

    Thank You.

  • Hello, Pietro,

    When you change something in these settings, you have to click Recreate transactions button in the Settings screen, on a main toolbar. All records in books will be deleted and recreated and you should get correct picture.

    Can you please try?

  • Hello dear Eugene ...
    Yes, thank You. Actually, I found that button a while after I wrote You. It was a bit scaring then I saved a backup of my DB and I tried ... NOW ... It seems everything is better BUT ... there is another strange problem now ...

    Because now I have something like job, which are quite strange. They appeas as invoices or parcially invoiced even if payments HAVE in fact been made ...

    Here is a screenshot of this ...

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a list of jobs with statuses such as 'Sent', 'Invoiced', and 'Partially invoiced'. Some entries are highlighted with red exclamation marks indicating errors.

    Opening one I noticed that instead of, let's say: 7.700 rubles the payment has been saved in an amount like 7.500 (really have no idea why. And this data could been from some import; but still. Something is not alligned) ...

    Screenshot of a detailed job view in Trados Studio with a payment recorded as 7,700 rubles, but the amount column shows 7,500 rubles, indicating a discrepancy.

    And seeign the invoice ... we found:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying 'Corrective invoice' section with two entries for 400 rubles and one for 7,500 rubles, all marked as 'Paid'.

    As You can see in this screenshot up here, the payments was saved as a 7.500 rubles ... Yesterday I tried to fix this somehow BUT I have even 2 "fake" invoices for an amoun of 400 rubles and I have no idea about how to fix this!

    The original "wrong" payment is down here ...

    Screenshot of Trados Studio payment details showing an original payment entry for 7,500 rubles instead of the expected 7,700 rubles.

    I do not understand if I need some corrective invoice or what ... but If I simply open each of these jobs and I try to change the payment status into "paid", this change is NOT saved ...

    Please, can You help me with this?

    Many thanks.



    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:35 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hello dear Eugene ...
    Yes, thank You. Actually, I found that button a while after I wrote You. It was a bit scaring then I saved a backup of my DB and I tried ... NOW ... It seems everything is better BUT ... there is another strange problem now ...

    Because now I have something like job, which are quite strange. They appeas as invoices or parcially invoiced even if payments HAVE in fact been made ...

    Here is a screenshot of this ...

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a list of jobs with statuses such as 'Sent', 'Invoiced', and 'Partially invoiced'. Some entries are highlighted with red exclamation marks indicating errors.

    Opening one I noticed that instead of, let's say: 7.700 rubles the payment has been saved in an amount like 7.500 (really have no idea why. And this data could been from some import; but still. Something is not alligned) ...

    Screenshot of a detailed job view in Trados Studio with a payment recorded as 7,700 rubles, but the amount column shows 7,500 rubles, indicating a discrepancy.

    And seeign the invoice ... we found:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying 'Corrective invoice' section with two entries for 400 rubles and one for 7,500 rubles, all marked as 'Paid'.

    As You can see in this screenshot up here, the payments was saved as a 7.500 rubles ... Yesterday I tried to fix this somehow BUT I have even 2 "fake" invoices for an amoun of 400 rubles and I have no idea about how to fix this!

    The original "wrong" payment is down here ...

    Screenshot of Trados Studio payment details showing an original payment entry for 7,500 rubles instead of the expected 7,700 rubles.

    I do not understand if I need some corrective invoice or what ... but If I simply open each of these jobs and I try to change the payment status into "paid", this change is NOT saved ...

    Please, can You help me with this?

    Many thanks.



    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:35 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hello, Pietro,

    Not easy question, but let's try to investigate. I just made few tests and wasn't able to achieve situation when job remains invoiced while invoice is actually paid.

    So, here are steps as I see:

    1. Take any invoiced job which you consider as paid, and open it.
    2. Switch to the invoices tab, confirm that invoice amount equals to amount of job (7500 in this particular case). If invoice has some taxes applied, Net amount of invoice should equal to job's amount.
    3. From this Invoice tab, double click on invoice to open it.
    4. Switch to the Payments tab in the opened invoice. Payment amount equals to Invoice amount?
    5. Hold Ctrl-Shift and click in the Payment cell. Payment will be opened. In the Payment details table, your invoice should exist:
      Trados Studio screenshot showing an invoice with a payment tab open, displaying a payment amount equal to the invoice amount with no visible errors.
    6. Here you should confirm that Invoice amount and Amount in invoice currency values are equal if payment is made in a same currency as issued invoice. If invoice and payment have different currencies, correct currency rate should be specified, and Amount in invoice currency should equal to invoice amount. Again. 7500 in your case.

    I suppose that point 6 in this list will solve your problem.

    Will be waiting for results!


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 5:36 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • There is NO way it can work ... DisappointedDisappointedDisappointed

    There are too many strange double invoices interconnected each other ... Maybe I am too tired, but ... I can not manage them
