Is version available anywhere? I need it to migrate my data (.bak) from my office computer to my laptop.

I'm looking for version to install the software on my laptop (i.e. my second computer). The newer won't accept the .bak backup from my main PC. I have the 'Freelance edition', if that means anything. Thank you!


Parents Reply
  • Hello, Martin,

    Ok, great that it was self-resolved. Yes, putting bak file to newer version will always work, as application will update it to newer version. However, it' won't work in opposite direction, as newer version usually can't be downgraded to older version.

    As for complexity, v6 became a bit simpler since it's release (as you say long time passed), but if v5 works well for you and if you like Windows-style UI and supported keyboard shortcuts, then maybe you will still find v6 worse than v5. It's possible to implement same level of keyboard support in future (web technologies allow to achieve that), but compact and strict style of windows app really differs from common practices in web world.
