Demo mode again after performing the latest update (SDL Trados Studio update and Business manager update)

Everything is in the title, and when I click on the activation button, well nothing happen.
I have to create some invoices right now, but I can’t.
I had the same problem when I upgraded from SDL 2019 to SDL 2021, but here I am having the same problem after and update.
Thank you,

Parents Reply
  • Update from the SDL support team

    “I am following up on the issue you have.
    Unfortunately, we didn't receive any updates from the app development team when the fixed version of Trados Business Manager Lite will be released.

    I’m not quite sure how urgently is for you to use Trados Business Manager Lite, but for now the only workaround would be to install the previous version of Studio 2021 CU9 (you can find the download link below):

    Currently, I use SDL Trados mainly to create invoice with TBM, I followed the link above (after a couple of days as I was working on some urgent task), I downloaded it, but I couldn’t install this version as I was told there was the highest version already installed, which need to me removed first. I tried to uninstall the latest version, but was told there was another version........
    When I got back to the support, the case was already closed , so I couldn’t follow up with them at that moment to see how to get back to the old version.
    Thank you, SDL Trados Studio.
    Best regards,

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