SDL Trados Live Team: September Update

With the release of our recent update to SDL Trados Live Team this September, we're happy to announce the following exciting new and enhanced functionality.

To benefit from the new features and updates, just login to SDL Trados Live Team and they will be available immediately.


Searching, Filtering and Batch Deletion in Translation Memory Maintenance

We have now extended the functionality of the Translation Memory Maintenance capability.
You can now Search for strings in source and target, as well as using regular expressions.

Furthermore, you can now create and store advanced filters per user, which allow filtering for metadata, such as Creation dates, Translation Unit status and more.

We have now also introduced Batch Actions, starting with Batch Delete, which enables deletion based on a filter.

Create projects without source files

You can now create a project without the requirement for a translatable file. 
This allows for preparing projects before the final project files are provided. For example, assigning users to tasks, setting up project settings and other such tasks.

To create such a project in Language Cloud, select Projects->New Project and select Create rather than “Create and Start”.

Once the files are available, you can add them to the project using Files->Add Files and start the project workflow from the Projects list.

Project Template and File Type configuration used now visible in Project Settings

We now display which Project Template and File Type configuration was originally used to create a project in the Project Details -> Settings area. This makes is easier to identify the template used.

Ability to delete a Customer

We have now enabled the ability to delete a Customer from the UI. 
In order to do so, the “Customer folder” has to only have default resources, so custom objects need to be deleted beforehand.

Custom Date & Time, Number, Measurement and Currency Language Processing Rules

We have now introduced the ability to specify customer Date & Time, Number, Measurement and Currency Language processing rules if you need to divert from the defaults.

This means you can adapt a specific date format to a custom by language if necessary.

Ability to cancel a file

We have now introduced the ability for Administrators and PJMs to cancel a file at any stage of the workflow to better be able to handle exceptions. This is available from Project details -> Files.

If a file is cancelled the workflow for that file will immediately stop (ongoing automated tasks will finish processing and then stop there).

If a source file is cancelled, this will stop all target versions of that file.

Remember my tenant selection

We have now introduced the ability to remember the account selection on login, this is helpful if you work for many different accounts.

In order to switch an account, you can go to Avatar on the top right and click “Switch Account” which will display the dialog.

File type management enhancements

We have now added the ability to delete default file types from file type configurations, to ensure they are not available when using a specific file type configuration.

Default file type configurations can however be restored back into a file type configuration through the Add New File Type dialog.

Going forward we will also use this mechanism when we introduce new file types to the platform. They will no longer automatically be added to file type configurations but can be added manually. This enables more control for administrators to decide when a file type is to be supported for project creation.


Additional changes

  • Added a “Select All” option for all main lists, up to 500 items. For lists with more than 500 items, please apply a filter first to reduce the number of items before you can select all
  • Introduced a Filter sidebar for the Termbase list
  • We now show a warning when a user or group informing on impact of assigned tasks
  • When inviting users, we now copy the invitation link to the clipboard and offer an option to display the link, this is in addition to sending an e-mail to the invited user
  • Changed the URL for Customer requester/reviewer invitation mails to point to Customer Portal
  • The Terminology Excel import/export separators for synonyms and multiple values was changed to | for synonyms and / for multiple values
  • Resolved an issue with the Update TM task when using certain custom TM fields
  • Various bug fixes and UX enhancements.


We hope this post was informative and we look forward to continuing to provide you with updates to the product.

Phillip Maieski 
SDL Product Management Team