We have just released the latest update to Trados Team capabilities, and we would like to share the new functionality that has been delivered.
New features and updates are automatically added to your account, so just login to Trados Team, and they will be available immediately.
Custom Fields in E-Mail Notifications
Customers now have the option to include Custom Fields in certain email notifications from Trados. When configuring a Custom Field, it is possible to specify whether that field should be included in email notifications sent from Trados, Customer Portal, or both.
In the resulting email notifications, we now include a section for “Additional Info”, which will list any Custom Fields configured for inclusion in that email.
WYSIWYG preview for creating/updating XML file type settings
Based on popular demand, we have now introduced the ability to preview XML file type settings changes directly from the file type configuration. You no longer need to create a project to test the results of your configuration.
In File type settings, you will find a new Preview sub-menu under Parser settings, enabling you to preview changes after uploading a sample file.'
Additionally, by clicking on the content on the preview, you can easily create a new rule.

Customizable Tables in Customer Portal
Users are now able to configure which columns are displayed for the Projects and Files for Review tables, according to their own preference. For this initial release, users can select from the standard fields available from each table, but in an upcoming release, users will also be able to include additional fields specific to their own Trados implementation.
Show associated Project resources
We have added a new "Show resources" button in the project list, which will visualize the associated resources for a project, including direct links to the resource if you click on the eye icon.
Termbase Statistics
Users can now get more information about the contents and language coverage in any termbase. The new command is available from the Actions drop-down menu after selecting a termbase by selecting its checkbox:
This will open a new dialog box displaying the termbase statistics regarding language and term coverage:
Advanced Termbase Template Download
In Terminology management, users can now download termbase templates in two formats: Default and MultiTerm.
The MultiTerm format features increased backward compatibility with our terminology management system for local and on-premise scenarios, while the default template format may reflect some of the more recent cloud platform changes. This typically concerns languages and their names and ISO codes. If you plan to work with a cloud termbase in MultiTerm, we recommend that you choose the MultiTerm format.
RWS AppStore - Pseudo-translation App
A new App called "Pseudo-translation Provider" is now available to all Trados Cloud users through the integrated RWS AppStore. Drawing inspiration from the Trados Studio concept, this App enables users to simulate translations using expansion factors where dummy translation originates either from the pseudo-translation dictionary, or special characters like $.
The App supports two key workflows: running pseudo-translation only or reprocessing project files with actual translation resources after the pseudo-translation task has been completed.
By incorporating pseudo-translation as a Machine Translation Provider, engineers can conduct a range of content-related tests including file type configuration and compliance, evaluating translatable versus non-translatable content, and ensuring proper encoding and character support.
Additionally, pseudo-translation offers project managers valuable insights into various project stages, including desktop publishing (DTP), helping to define the scope of work and providing accurate estimates.
Additional changes
- Added new Batch task Pre-Processing settings to enable locking red, amber or green segments resulting from MTQE Machine Translation engines such as Language Weaver
- Introduced a new tree view for the Customers view. This makes it easier to visualize complex hierarchies
- Introduced new quick filters in Project and Inbox list to quickly filter Overdue, due tomorrow and due today tasks/projects
- We have increased the assignable group limit from 50 to 100 users. Additionally, we now indicate when a group is above the limit for groups to be usable for assignments
- We now provide direct link to Translation Memories and Termbases from the translation engines view
- Translation Memory details now contain the user that created a TM and the date it was created
- Target languages are now displayed in the engineering quote review task
- Added a new option to the Java Properties file type settings, to encode as UTF-8 if BOM is missing
- Service users are now also displayed in the group details view
- Closing task comments including a hyperlink are now clickable
- Resolved an issue with Custom field values for checkbox type, showing as True, even when unchecked.
- The ability to create new termbase sharing links has been disabled, prior to its future retirement. If you want to collaborate on termbases with other users, we recommend inviting the users to your tenant and granting the appropriate role to grant access.
- Various bug fixes and UX enhancements
We hope this post was informative, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with updates to the product.
Trados Product Management