How to reject a vendor quote edited by the vendor?


In the workflow, the vendor reviews and edits their quote at the Vendor Quote Review step, then the then the next step is Vendor Quote Approval where I approve or reject the edits made by the vendor. However, I don't see aany option/button to reject the quote. There is only the "Complete" button on the Details screen.

Trados Studio interface showing the task list with a selected task labeled 'Vendor_quote editing' and a 'Complete' button, but no reject option visible.

Screenshot of the 'Vendor_quote editing' details tab with a 'Download Quote' dropdown and sections for 'Quote Summary', 'Translation Costs', 'Language Costs', 'Additional Costs', and 'Total'.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 12:34 PM (GMT 0) on 23 Feb 2024]