Character Limits in Trados Team

Our organization needs to translate a multilingual Excel workbook. We have translated these in Trados Studio in the past, and are now trying to use Trados Team for the translation step. 

Since Trados Team doesn't support the Multilingual Excel file type, our onboarding rep advised that we could set up the project in Trados Studio, import it to Trados Team and edit the sdlxliff files there. I was able to do this, but today I realized that this method does not transfer the character limits feature that we need into Trados Team. For example, if I exceed the character limit for a target segment and verify the file, it does not produce an error or warning.

I know that it's possible to set up a single character limit for the project in Settings > Configuration > QA Checker > Length verification 

However, the tabs in our workbook have varying character limits, so we need to specify those. 

Do you know if there is a way to set up character limits for this type of project in Trados Team?

From what I have read in the documentation, only the Bilingual Excel file type has the character limits feature in Trados Team, so we may need to break the workbook up by target language. 

Let me know if you have any insight or possible solutions, thanks. 

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