When using Trados Live with a TM configured as "Spanish (modern)", the file never stops processing. A person from SDL walked through with a TM configured as "Spanish (modern)" on my computer and had the same problem. She said that when we configure the TM to be any other flavor of Spanish (such as "Spanish (Spain, International sort)" there is no such problem. She was going to let the support department know so they can make a fix in a future update. This was a month and no fix yet. All of my TMs are in "Spanish (modern)" and I am hoping not to have to change them each time I want to use an established TM from within Trados Live. Will this be fixed soon? If not, please remind me how I can convert a TM from "Spanish (modern) to Spanish (Spain, international sort).I'm hoping it will be fixed soon and I won't have to go through all that trouble. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how did you resolve this?