Export fields from a Live TM

I am in SDL Trados Live, and I have selected a TM which I just created. There is now a button Export, with the options Translation Memory / Fields / Language Resources. I would have thought I could select Fields and then be able to export the fields contained in the TM. Not so. When I select Fields, I arrive at Default field template Copy (to be created), where I can define new fields. This is not what I am interested in; I wanted to export fields.

So, two questions:

1. What is the point of this "Export" option?

2. How can I actually export the fields in a TM?

And also a third question:

3. I am pretty sure that the TM contains fields since it was created from an SDLXLIFF file, which surely contains fields. But where can I check the fields of this new TM? If I open Edit, it seems that the field template is only the (empty) default one. If that is true, where did the fields in the SDLXLIFF go?

  • I have now made further investigations, and the import of an SDLTM file actually cointained field values as well. But still, the selection of Export Fields only opens the page where I can edit the fields. No export.

  • Hi

    Allow for me to confirm that when we speak about fields in Translation Memories, we could mean 1 of 2 things:

    1:Systematic meta data

    This originates directly from the *.sdxliff files.
    We can see this meta data more specifically when we look at the TU’s within the Translation Memory Maintenance View

     Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memory Maintenance View showing a list of Translation Units with various metadata columns.

    2. Custom Fields

    These custom fields manged from within your Translation Memory but then implemented as part of your Studio project settings.
    More details around how this can be seen here: https://docs.sdl.com/SDL_Trados_Studio_2021/en-US/Translation_Memory_Filters

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing Translation Memory Custom Fields dialog with fields 'Don't Import' and 'Status' listed.

    With all of this in mind let me try now answer your questions

    Q1: What is the point of this "Export" option?

    It maybe that you want to export a sub section or selected part of your entire TM.

    A few examples:
    It maybe that you want to export all Pharma related TU’s so that you can have a pharma dedicated TM.
    Or you want to create a new TM that contains all TU’s that were added within the last year and used more than once. Moving forwared you will only maintain the new TM whereas the current TM can then be archieved as the bulk of its content is deemed redundant.

    Q2. How can I actually export the fields in a TM?

    From what I know you cant just export the fields of a TM. The purpose of the export is to export TU’s based on field selection.

    So clarifying which fields is helpful, as it confirms what your export rule would look like.
    As well as understanding why you want to run an export is also helpful.

    In the meantime here are some notes: https://docs.sdl.com/813470/566715/sdl-trados-studio-2021-sr1/exporting-tm-data

    Why do you want to export the TM fields?

    Q3. I am pretty sure that the TM contains fields since it was created from an SDLXLIFF file, which surely contains fields. But where can I check the fields of this new TM? If I open Edit, it seems that the field template is only the (empty) default one. If that is true, where did the fields in the SDLXLIFF go?

    I already confirmed that *.sdlxliff files and TM would store default system fields, so what makes you think the *sdlxliff file had (other) fields?

    If you are opening your Translation Memory and looking at the top, then that would be referring to custom fields.
    As mentioned above, custom fields are not managed by the *.sdxliff but more within the actual TM alongside project settings

     Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memory Properties window highlighting the empty 'Custom Fields' section.


    I hope clarifying what is meant by fields and export has helped
    If not, please do let me know what are you trying to achieve and equally importantly why, as it could be to resolve your objective we need to explore other ideas.


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:04 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi

    Allow for me to confirm that when we speak about fields in Translation Memories, we could mean 1 of 2 things:

    1:Systematic meta data

    This originates directly from the *.sdxliff files.
    We can see this meta data more specifically when we look at the TU’s within the Translation Memory Maintenance View

     Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memory Maintenance View showing a list of Translation Units with various metadata columns.

    2. Custom Fields

    These custom fields manged from within your Translation Memory but then implemented as part of your Studio project settings.
    More details around how this can be seen here: https://docs.sdl.com/SDL_Trados_Studio_2021/en-US/Translation_Memory_Filters

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing Translation Memory Custom Fields dialog with fields 'Don't Import' and 'Status' listed.

    With all of this in mind let me try now answer your questions

    Q1: What is the point of this "Export" option?

    It maybe that you want to export a sub section or selected part of your entire TM.

    A few examples:
    It maybe that you want to export all Pharma related TU’s so that you can have a pharma dedicated TM.
    Or you want to create a new TM that contains all TU’s that were added within the last year and used more than once. Moving forwared you will only maintain the new TM whereas the current TM can then be archieved as the bulk of its content is deemed redundant.

    Q2. How can I actually export the fields in a TM?

    From what I know you cant just export the fields of a TM. The purpose of the export is to export TU’s based on field selection.

    So clarifying which fields is helpful, as it confirms what your export rule would look like.
    As well as understanding why you want to run an export is also helpful.

    In the meantime here are some notes: https://docs.sdl.com/813470/566715/sdl-trados-studio-2021-sr1/exporting-tm-data

    Why do you want to export the TM fields?

    Q3. I am pretty sure that the TM contains fields since it was created from an SDLXLIFF file, which surely contains fields. But where can I check the fields of this new TM? If I open Edit, it seems that the field template is only the (empty) default one. If that is true, where did the fields in the SDLXLIFF go?

    I already confirmed that *.sdlxliff files and TM would store default system fields, so what makes you think the *sdlxliff file had (other) fields?

    If you are opening your Translation Memory and looking at the top, then that would be referring to custom fields.
    As mentioned above, custom fields are not managed by the *.sdxliff but more within the actual TM alongside project settings

     Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memory Properties window highlighting the empty 'Custom Fields' section.


    I hope clarifying what is meant by fields and export has helped
    If not, please do let me know what are you trying to achieve and equally importantly why, as it could be to resolve your objective we need to explore other ideas.


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:04 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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