I am in SDL Trados Live, and I have selected a TM which I just created. There is now a button Export, with the options Translation Memory / Fields / Language Resources. I would have thought I could select Fields and then be able to export the fields contained in the TM. Not so. When I select Fields, I arrive at Default field template Copy (to be created), where I can define new fields. This is not what I am interested in; I wanted to export fields.
So, two questions:
1. What is the point of this "Export" option?
2. How can I actually export the fields in a TM?
And also a third question:
3. I am pretty sure that the TM contains fields since it was created from an SDLXLIFF file, which surely contains fields. But where can I check the fields of this new TM? If I open Edit, it seems that the field template is only the (empty) default one. If that is true, where did the fields in the SDLXLIFF go?