Language variants in Trados Live Terminology?

Is there no way to have language variants in Trados Live Terminology (I assume it is MultiTerm in the back end).

We have projects with language variants, but the associated termbases do not allow specification of language variants, only the "general" one. For example, for a project that uses en-US and es-MX, the termbase only allows en and es.


  • Hi Kara - yes, we have this - you can use the option "show sublanguages" when creating a termbase:

    Trados Studio New Termbase Wizard screen showing 'Language fields' section with 'Show sublanguages' option checked and languages English (United States) and Spanish (Mexico) selected.

    However, we generally recommend that users use the main language and decorate any relevant terms with picklist attribute fields instead - so if you have "colour" and "color", for instance, you would keep them both using "English" as a main language and decorate them with a picklist field "Region" and use "en-us" and "en-gb" in this case. For the majority of terms, such a decoration would not be needed, but when you do have variants, then you can use that field. This might not work in all cases, though, and so this is why you can also use sublanguages fully as depicted above.

    Thanks, Daniel

    PS: It's not MultiTerm in the background, it's a new development, but we've carried over MultiTerm design principles as required - for instance, concept orientation, free termbase structure, term autonomy etc.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:21 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi Kara - yes, we have this - you can use the option "show sublanguages" when creating a termbase:

    Trados Studio New Termbase Wizard screen showing 'Language fields' section with 'Show sublanguages' option checked and languages English (United States) and Spanish (Mexico) selected.

    However, we generally recommend that users use the main language and decorate any relevant terms with picklist attribute fields instead - so if you have "colour" and "color", for instance, you would keep them both using "English" as a main language and decorate them with a picklist field "Region" and use "en-us" and "en-gb" in this case. For the majority of terms, such a decoration would not be needed, but when you do have variants, then you can use that field. This might not work in all cases, though, and so this is why you can also use sublanguages fully as depicted above.

    Thanks, Daniel

    PS: It's not MultiTerm in the background, it's a new development, but we've carried over MultiTerm design principles as required - for instance, concept orientation, free termbase structure, term autonomy etc.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:21 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]