Error 200 - when downloading translated files


I'm currently working in Trados Live on a project with IDML files, Dutch into English-US. However, I cannot download the translated file (EN IDML). The same error keeps popping up: ERROR 200 / There was an error while generating your translated file. Try again later.

I'm getting this error for an entire week, and I really need to download the entire translated project. Does anyone know the solution?


Parents Reply
  • , I received your email and I created a project on my side. The target could then be generated as expected. So the next step will be to check the target segments content. You can run the verification for the affected files then I would suggest to go over the errors highlighted. In order to open the file in Online Editor and to run the verification (F8) here are the steps:

    1. If the error task is assigned to you -> Go to Inbox -> New -> Accept the task -> Active -> Select the task -> Open in Online Editor -> Press F8 (on the right hand side you will see the verification findings)

    2. If the error task is not assigned to you -> Stages -> Select the Error task -> Reassign Task -> Add you user then follow the steps from 1.

    I hope this helps. Please provide feedback afterwards.

    Alex J.
