icloud project

Im trying to create an icloud project. I have trados studio 2021, but i have never used the online version, I mean Icloud. I want to use I cloud because I want to be able to translate from my laptop or any other device without having to have the software everywhere. So i opened a project in icloud and landed in this step:

Trados Studio 2021 iCloud project creation screen with a message prompting to access Language Cloud account to create a translation engine.

When i click anove it sends me to this website:

RWS ID login page with fields for email and password, and options to register or recover password.

I put my password and i see this:

New translation engine setup page in Language Cloud with mandatory fields for name, location, language processing rules, and languages highlighted in red.

Language Cloud page to add translation memory, automatic translation model, and terminological databases to a new translation engine.

I want to use the memory and the glossaries i have in my desk trados, how do I do that? What am I supposed to put in Name, location..etc. and below where it says translation memory, how do i bring my desk trados memory here?


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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:23 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]