how do i get to trados team

I am trying to import my memory to my new 2022 version. I read the manual or instructions which i copu here:

Screenshot of Trados Studio manual showing procedure to import memory into Trados Team, including steps to select Resources view and Translation Memories tab.

Would you have mercy and copy or tell me how i get to trados team, because I have opened trados 2022 i dont see anything like resources tab, i went to trados cloud in trados studio, and i dont see resouces. i tried this website that is called trados team on google, i se resouces and when i click on resources nothing happens, i cant find all those options above. Nothing that i try to do on my own works.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:23 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi Milagros,

    Could I ask you to do the following - in Trados Studio 2022, there is a sign-in button in the right upper corner, this will let you log in to the Trados cloud. Once you have signed in, in the same area (sign-in button) you should see a dialog box pop up that has a "My Account" link in the left lower corner. That link will send you to your cloud account, and here you should see e.g. the Resources tab.

    What might be a good place to start is to read through the quick start guides that we deliver with Studio, those will tell you how to work with Studio and cloud capabilities, including migrating your TMs and termbases from within Studio (new in Studio 2022, which might be easier than doing this in the browser as described in the procedure above).

    You can access the quick start guides in Studio on the Welcome view, you can go to the Get Started tab there and find the PDFs. TM Management should have the content you need for migrating a TM from Studio to the cloud.

    Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS
