How to share a project with another translator

Hello. I have a large project installed on language cloud and would like to share the work with another translator.

Is this possible? Can I invite a translator with an SDL account to participate?

Thanks for your help, I didn't see any options to do this.

Regards, Mark

  • Hi  , you can only assign the task to the current LC account users. You need to create a user in the current Language Cloud account. Then the user should accept the invitation and afterwards you can assign the user to the ongoing project by selecting the file(s) to which you want the user to work on -> Reassign task and select the user.

    Alex J.

  • Hi  
    I must be missing something. Should I have Trados Teams? I am using Trados Studio Freelance Cloud.
    I can't see anywhere in the account to add a user

  • Hi Mark - that is indeed not (yet) possible with the free Studio Freelance cloud capabilities. And yes, Trados Team is our offering for this kind of scenario - see With the (free) cloud capabilities in Studio, it's not possible to add a user to your account and share the work with them. Having said all that, we are keen to support such sharing scenarios as well down the line just between Trados Studio Freelance users. If possible, you could describe your scenario a bit more in detail - just for us to understand the use cases. Would you want to share all resources - your cloud TMs, termbases, and documents in the project? And just with one peer or with several other translators or reviewers? Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

  • Hi  

    Well it might be the budding stages of a translator branching out into agency work!

    In practice, it means getting out there and looking for work for oneself. If in the event you get too much to handle or in tight deadlines, the translator community is there to take on these extra bits. 

    Rather than refusing customer work, it would be about accepting it and finding partners, which with translator community sites (proz) can be done quite quickly. 

    In short, I need only share a single URL to a language cloud document in source and target format.

    I might translate parts MT or manually or in Local Studio and ask a partner to proof read. This is roughly the funtionality one gets with memsource or Smartcat, with the advantage of retaining Trados Studio as the central platform.

    I do all the MT translation or manual translation in Studio local and convert to cloud. But I have plugins which are pretty vital to my workflow notably Antidote and TTS.

    I could in time start to use the online translation engines, but I currently use a standalone app to apply MT services to xliffs.

    P.S.I have already a full paid licence for Trados Studio.


  • Thanks  , this is very helpful! I'll mull over it with the team and definitely keep this in mind as very tangible and great input into our planning around this area. And before I forget - a manual solution in the meantime could be that you download the SDLXLIFF files from the Files area in a project and send them off-platform to your peer(s). When you receive them back, you can then update them in the Files area as well. But this is of course a bit 'old school' and this would just be a potential stop-gap workaround until we would have this fully baked into the platform. I agree that the flexibility of Studio + then sharing files (and resources) in this way would be interesting. Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

  • Dear  . I was wondering, what is the [original] use case for using SDL online? I mean if you cannot share with other translators, what is the benefit of creating an online project? If you already have Trados, what is the advantage of using Trados online over local Trados?

    Perhaps I'm missing something. I assume that Trados online is designed to share projects but you need a team subscription, rather than an [individual] freelance licence / account.

  • Thanks   - there are benefits both for personal/non-sharing and obviously also for sharing down the line.

    Some quick benefits for just personal cloud:

    • You can work from any device now - i.e. you can start in Studio but later continue on a Mac or tablet in Online Editor - all included in the Studio license
    • You can benefit from some of the innovation in Online Editor - such as horizontal line-by-line view in addition to side-by-side - some translators prefer working horizontally, typically when you have long segments - by switching between Studio and Online Editor, you basically now have two editing environments and you can pick and choose which one you prefer for a project at hand. We are also bringing some new innovation to Online Editor to make it the best browser-based editor.
    • You can make a secure backup of your projects and resources in the cloud (by creating cloud-based TMs, termbases, projects)
    • You can benefit from cloud power and do something else in Studio in the meantime - e.g. when creating a cloud project from Studio, Studio will pass on the files to the cloud and the batch processing and project preparation will happen there, leaving you to do sth else in Studio. With local projects, Studio is blocked when preparing large projects
    • We had reports from users where Trados cloud kind of 'saved the day' with these new ways of working. An anecdote I remember was where someone needed to go to a hospital because a relative had been admitted and could not take their PC with them. They had an urgent project and could continue working on it on a tablet in the hospital. 

    Just a few thoughts. But you are of course right - down the line it will be very interesting to share projects between peers in addition to the above benefits, without requiring a team subscription (but it will still require a paid subscription at a lower price).

    Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

  • Thanks   - there are benefits both for personal/non-sharing and obviously also for sharing down the line.

    Some quick benefits for just personal cloud:

    • You can work from any device now - i.e. you can start in Studio but later continue on a Mac or tablet in Online Editor - all included in the Studio license
    • You can benefit from some of the innovation in Online Editor - such as horizontal line-by-line view in addition to side-by-side - some translators prefer working horizontally, typically when you have long segments - by switching between Studio and Online Editor, you basically now have two editing environments and you can pick and choose which one you prefer for a project at hand. We are also bringing some new innovation to Online Editor to make it the best browser-based editor.
    • You can make a secure backup of your projects and resources in the cloud (by creating cloud-based TMs, termbases, projects)
    • You can benefit from cloud power and do something else in Studio in the meantime - e.g. when creating a cloud project from Studio, Studio will pass on the files to the cloud and the batch processing and project preparation will happen there, leaving you to do sth else in Studio. With local projects, Studio is blocked when preparing large projects
    • We had reports from users where Trados cloud kind of 'saved the day' with these new ways of working. An anecdote I remember was where someone needed to go to a hospital because a relative had been admitted and could not take their PC with them. They had an urgent project and could continue working on it on a tablet in the hospital. 

    Just a few thoughts. But you are of course right - down the line it will be very interesting to share projects between peers in addition to the above benefits, without requiring a team subscription (but it will still require a paid subscription at a lower price).

    Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

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