can't change language when creating a project in the cloud


I’ve just updated from Trados Studio 2019 (no cloud) to Trados Studio 2021. I wanted to test whether I could do anything online (without the desktop application). I made a mistake: I created a project with English (United States) as a source language, but my source file is in English (UK). I’d like to change the source language in my project but I can’t find out to do this. I cannot even find how to delete the whole project and start again.Trados Studio interface showing a preprocessing error for a file named 'UK-manual.doc.sdlxliff' with a warning icon and a gear symbol.

The gear symbol in the image does not work. Anyone can help?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:28 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]