Integrafte Perfect Match via Studio in Workflows in Trados Enterprise

Hello everyone,

Does anyone here work with Perfect Match in Trados Enterprise? So far, it is not integrated in Trados Enterprise. But we need to work with it. How do you integrate it in your workflows? We are still looking for a good solution how to integrate it in exisitng workflows. 

Any suggestion might be helpful. Thank you very much in advance.

  • Hi Iris,

    Currently, one possible approach is to prepare the projects in Trados Studio using the PerfectMatch capability there. You could prepare them as local projects and then save them to the cloud using the Save To Cloud functionality in Trados Studio. Trados Enterprise will then fully honour the PerfectMatch status on the segments, include the correct numbers in any analysis reports, both Online Editor and Studio will work with the files as you know it from Studio. Having said all that, we are also working on a cloud-native version of PerfectMatch as part of our future roadmap. I can't give you an exact date at this point but it's high on our priority list. Once it's available in the cloud also, we will announce it as part of our regular product announcements.

    Thanks, Daniel     

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

  • Hi Daniel,

    that's what we are doing as a workaround. But since the translations are ordered via Customer Portal, I have to do it in the Cloud projects created by Trados Enterprise using the "BIlingual Engineering" task. Unfortunately according to the documentation Trados Enterprise doesn't allow a Bilingual Engineering task in the workflow before Translation Memory Matching. But that's when I have to do it. It doesn't make sense to do Perfect Match AFTER Translation Memory Matching. Do you have a suggestion how to integrate the Bilingual Engineering task to use it for Perfect Match before Translation Memory Matching?

  • Hi Daniel,

    instead of trying to integrate Bilingual Engineering before Translation Memory Matching, PS suggested the following as a workaround: Use the Bilingual Engineering Task and do the following in Studio:

    Clear Target Segments, then do Perfect Match, then do pretranslation and if needed do another pretranslation with our customised Language Weaver. Unfortunately the Pretranslation with the Translation Engine from the cloud doesn't work. I logged this as a case (no. 00812761) and was told that this is a bug and they don't know exactly when this will be fixed. Now we are running out of options. Add Bilingual Engineering before Translation Memory Matching is not allowed according to the documentation. Using Bilingual Engineering after Translation Memory Matching is not working. And the workaround you suggested doesn't work for us, as we receive our projects via customer portal from our clients. 

    Do you have any further suggestions for us?

  • Hi Daniel,

    instead of trying to integrate Bilingual Engineering before Translation Memory Matching, PS suggested the following as a workaround: Use the Bilingual Engineering Task and do the following in Studio:

    Clear Target Segments, then do Perfect Match, then do pretranslation and if needed do another pretranslation with our customised Language Weaver. Unfortunately the Pretranslation with the Translation Engine from the cloud doesn't work. I logged this as a case (no. 00812761) and was told that this is a bug and they don't know exactly when this will be fixed. Now we are running out of options. Add Bilingual Engineering before Translation Memory Matching is not allowed according to the documentation. Using Bilingual Engineering after Translation Memory Matching is not working. And the workaround you suggested doesn't work for us, as we receive our projects via customer portal from our clients. 

    Do you have any further suggestions for us?
