Translation Engine cannot be chosen in project settings in Trados Online, preventing ability to add Termbase and save settings

Does anyone else experience this problem?:

Trados Online does not allow the Translation Engine to be chosen, which then prevents the ability to add a Termbase and to save the new settings. Below is a screenshot that shows how the drop down menu from the Translation Engine is greyed out, not allowing any of the translation engines to be chosen. 

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Screenshot of Trados Enterprise interface showing the Translation Engine dropdown menu greyed out, indicating it is not clickable. The Source Language is set to German (Germany). Sections for Translation Memories, Machine Translation, and Termbases are visible with options to add each.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:18 AM (GMT 0) on 17 Jan 2025]
Parents Reply
  • I had uploaded the desktop Studio project with the cloud-based Termbase to the cloud and assumed it would also carry over the Termbase into the cloud version of the project. But when I opened the project online, the Termbase was not associated with the project there. Is there a setting I need to change in the Studio version to ensure the project carries the Termbase over into the cloud version?

    Here is a screenshot of the setting in Studio. As you can see, the cloud-based Termbase is set up there. But in the online version (see screenshot in my initial post), the cloud-based Termbase is missing.

    Thanks for help with this!

    Screenshot of Trados Studio project settings showing the 'Termbases' section with a cloud-based Termbase set as default.


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:07 PM (GMT 0) on 17 Jan 2025]
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