AEM Preview

Translation Preview in AEM allows the translator and reviewer in SDL TMS, SDL Managed Translation and SDL Worldserver to see a preview of the webpage in-context to the content they are translating/reviewing.

Adobe provide a solution for creating translation preview packages on the fly during the AEM project creation process. This is managed entirely on the AEM side.

Preview is supported in the following AEM versions:

  • AEM
  • AEM 6.4.4
  • AEM 6.5

To enable this feature in AEM, set the Enable Preview option in the SDL Connector Cloud Services Configuration to Enable.

 Go to the Site properties, Advanced tab and delete the Design property field.

The preview solution will be creating its own designs for the preview package on the fly, thus having any entries in here will override this.

Trados Studio SDL Connector Cloud Services Configuration screen with Language, Root Path, and Site fields visible. Enable Preview option set to Enable.

Follow the steps in the install guides to set up the preview on the SDL side.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 11:43 AM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]