We have just released a new version of the integration for Adobe Experience Manager 6.5, version 1.2.29. The anterior versions were all internal releases, not released publicly. The new release includes several small bug fixes and functionality improvements. Details of changes are listed below:
SDL Release 1.2.24 (There was no 1.2.23 release because of a conflict):
- DTNL-11088 - Supporting nested cloudconfigs
- DTNL-11093 : Display all language codes for a supported mapping
SDL Release 1.2.25
- DTNL-11083 - Replace admin user on on-prem connector with appropriate group permissions for the technical user
- DTNL-11637 - AEM on-prem connector - Cloud configuration not displayed in detailed Project information
SDL Release 1.2.26
- DTNL-12924: added empty status code for status "New"
SDL Release 1.2.27
- DTNL-13101 - Preventing empty init for mantraclient
- DTNL-13098 - Ignoring unknown statuses from RWS file status
- DTNL-13313 - Skip preview file upload if path exceeds 200 or more chars
SDL release notes 1.2.28
- DTNL-13102 - improving logging to be able to investigate issues better
- DTNL-13664 – workaround for AEM bug where project do not go into Complete status
SDL Release 1.2.29
- DTNL-13663 - Preselect previous source language + preselect source language based on the configuration + update front-end with clear message + update configuration table size
- Update IntegrationTypeHeader