Dear all, the RWS Drupal connector version 1.4.2 is now available. We have put quite a bit of work into it, making sure multilingual submission is now available everywhere that we could implement it. We have also implemented batch submission for multilingual submissions to prevent time-outs and make submissions faster. Batch implemented on multilingual job submission job item wise, which will prevent timeouts and make submission faster. We have also implemented support for continuous jobs and introduced a functionality for re-submitting failed jobs.
- Batch implemented on multilingual job submission job item wise, which will prevent timeouts and make submission faster.
- Continuous job support.
- Resubmission of failed jobs.
Bug Fixes:
- "All Job items are conflicting error" on specific cases - fixed.
- "Object instance not set to an instance of object" handled to show proper error message.
- Target language dropdown missing on other providers - fixed.
- Request Translation button alignment.
- Deprecated warnings from RecursiveDomIterator.
- Removed Field export option.
- "Container not initialized error" - fixed.
Please contact your account manager if you wish to upgrade the integration.