How to open a return package?


Is there a way to open a return package file (.sdlrpx) for proofreading. I am not the original creator of the package. The project manager just sent me this return package to edit and make suggestions on the original translation. Thank you.

  • Hi  

    Please do make a copy/backup before you follow my advice.

    You can simply add zip at the end of the extension. So it would be
    You can then open the Zip by right clicking and select "explore in windows"

    It will expose the project files that pertain to the return package, outside of Studio.

    However you will see the same content if you were to follow the supported workflow and open the package directly in Studio.
    If you dont have Studio to open the package in, or the localized *.sdlxliff, then there are many other suggestions I could offer the PM that supports external review by individuals such as yourself.

    Anyway, I hope this helps a bit


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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