Once I accept an assignment under TE and I want to download the file, occasionally I only get an SDLXLIFF format option while I'm only interested in SDLPPX. What's the logic behind this and how can I get the SDLPPX format at all times?
Once I accept an assignment under TE and I want to download the file, occasionally I only get an SDLXLIFF format option while I'm only interested in SDLPPX. What's the logic behind this and how can I get the SDLPPX format at all times?
Gerard Lambert-Carez
When you are performing this download - are you within the Inbox space or at Project Level?
Also take note the ability to create "Offline Package Resources" is a privilege and without knowing what sort of package you have, or you accept assigned work from others - it maybe an option not granted to you.
Looking forward to more context so I can help further
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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Does this happen with projects with more than one file? Same happened to me and I needed not to click the file itself, but the triangle pointing down beside the Download "button" to download a package consisting of all sdlxliff files in that very project. I did not create screenshots, but will do this next time, should this happen. This because the downloaded package also behaved very strange.